Event: “Innovative social investment: finding new routes to make social rights real”
31 August 201716th Workshop on Social Economy for Young Economists
18 June 2019The Project: MASP aims to change the perspective of balance between work and private life moving towards a work-life synergy concept, to encourage a more equal share of care responsibilities between women and men and to stimulate higher women participation in the labour market.
Project activities will include: research and analysis of best practices of work-life balance strategies; sharing of best practices through workshops and study visits; training activities for employers, management consultants and staff of employment services; dissemination and communication activities; social impact and policy evaluation. The project will run from February 2019 to January 2021.
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Comune di Milano > https://economiaelavoro.comune.milano.it/progetti/masp-master-parenting-work-and-life
This publication has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014- 2020).
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