REPORT – Social Economy Education in Italy
10 November 2021
Workshop at the Bertinoro Days for Civil Economy – Empowering Youth in SE
31 October 2024Blueprint for advanced skills & trainings in the social economy (2022-2026)
The baSE project is a Blueprint Alliances selected by the EU Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. The European Skills Agenda 2020 has confirmed the Blueprint as a key initiative to create new strategic approaches and cooperation for concrete skills development solutions in the industrial ecosystems, including Proximity and social economy ecosystem, as introduced by the updated EU industrial policy.
The main purposes of the Blueprint are:
- Develop a sector skills strategy
- Design concrete education & training solutions
- Set up a long-term action plan
- Address skills shortages and unemployment.
Following the Blueprint principles, the baSE project aims at setting up an alliance for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills for the Social Economy and proximity ecosystem, involving a broad range of key stakeholders: companies, education, and training providers, research institutions, social partners as well as sector experts. Building on the solid foundations provided by previous and ongoing sector level initiatives and research.
The baSE project will enable the knowledge share among higher education, vocational education and training with social economy actors who contribute to the ecosystemic growth. It will address skills mismatches and provide new skills with regard to occupational profiles in the SE sector.
baSE will implement sectorial and cross-sectorial activities within broader socio-economic environment, the results and outputs will have an extensive and long-lasting effect to support the proximity and social economy ecosystem:
- The Research on social economy skills gaps will define a long-term and sustainable strategy to fill the gap between supply and demand for SE education and training;
- The “SocioComp” framework of competences for new Curricula outlines & update Occupational Skills Profiles will define competencies areas, competencies, learning and training tools and methodologies, and levels of proficiency for the SE Ecosystem;
- The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Platform will provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions. It will ensure a real hybrid learning environment, using blended technologies specifically adaptable to specific need of the diverse workforce;
- The upskilling of social economy practitioners by designing and delivering four specific competence-based curricula, based on the Blueprint conclusions about the skill gap and focus on determined areas: Twin Transitions and collaboration. Pilots training will be run during the project to test and validate the results;
- Policy recommendations to strengthen social economy VET training provision, and to ensure the sustainability of the BASE model as a skills anticipator mechanism.