MASP Master Parenting in Work and Life | Study visit Trento
18 July 2019
Towards a European Action Plan Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights
16 January 2020MASP research activities on new models for the promotion of work-life balance continued also over the summer.
Project partners therefore used the occasion of their second project workshop, organised by AICCON on 2 and 3 September 2019 in Bologna (IT), to update each other on actions such as a specific analysis of needs of unemployed mothers, the identification of good work-life balance (WLB) measures of public and private players, or the analysis of the MAAM programme and the Family Audit (Autonomous Province of Trento).
Interim results confirmed once again the importance, for successful WLB policies and actions:
- to stimulate a change of culture (role thinking etc.) and empowerment in particular of women;
- to encourage participation and cooperation between different type of public and private players following, for example, the « family district » model;
- to respond to real needs taking into account different realities, including different forms of families;
- to contribute to the development of capabilities of parents;
- to focus on women AND men, …
The workshop took place at Kilowatt, a cooperative created by professionals who work in social innovation, circular economy, communication and urban regeneration. MASP partners took the opportunity to learn more about Kilowatt Baby, an experimental educational service provided inside the co-working space to cooperators, co-workers, but also the larger local community.
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This publication has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014- 2020).
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