2 May 2019
Pubblicato il 2 May 2019
The Project: MASP aims to change the perspective of balance between work and private life moving towards a work-life synergy concept, to encourage a more equal share of care responsibilities between women and men and to stimulate higher women participation in the labour market.
Project activities will include: research and analysis of best practices of work-life balance strategies; sharing of best practices through workshops and...
Read More31 August 2017
Pubblicato il 31 August 2017
Friday 13 October 08:30-14.30 Open event: "Innovative social investment: finding new routes to make social rights real"
Location: Louvain (Brussels)
This free event marks the close of the Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening Communities in Europe (INNOSI). The Horizon2020 funded project looks at innovative approaches to social investment across 10 European countries drawing on 20 in-depth case studies, econometric analysis and user voice. It also included a foresight project to...
Read More27 July 2017
Pubblicato il 27 July 2017
Article by Sara Goldoni, Training and Education Coordinator
From June 26th to June 30th 2017 the University of Bologna, member of the Social Innovation Community, hold the second Summer School on Social Innovation, with a focus on the role of regions as possible ecosystems for social innovation.
AICCON– Italian Association for the Promotion of the Culture of Co-operation and of Nonprofit, a research center on Social Economy,...
Read More17 June 2017
Pubblicato il 17 June 2017
EMES, in partnership with the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Work, State and Society (CIRTES, Université catholique de Louvain) and the Social Enterprise Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP), are pleased to announce the 6th EMES International Research Conference on the theme “Social enterprise for sustainable societies” which will take place on July 3-6, 2017, at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
The aim of this...
Read More19 April 2017
Pubblicato il 19 April 2017
The University of Bologna (Department of Architecture and Department of Economics), in collaboration with AICCON, is pleased to announce the second edition of the Social Innovation Community Summer School (SUMSIC 2017), which will be held at the University of Bologna from June 26th to June 30th > “Regions as Social Innovations Ecosystems? History, culture and institutions”.
This second edition is organised in partnership with AEIDL, DRIFT,...
Read More20 February 2017
Pubblicato il 20 February 2017
Paolo Venturi (Aiccon-University of Bologna), Flaviano Zandonai (Iris Network- University of Trento)
Is it necessary to climb up the “internal areas” of central Italy mountains in order to search for the Holy Grail of platform cooperativism? Are “community cooperatives” hiding by having vague fantasy names such as “Valle dei Cavalieri” (The Knights Valley)? Perhaps yes, waiting for a more precise delineation of an authentically collaborative...
Read More2 February 2017
Pubblicato il 2 February 2017
From November 29 to December 3, 2017 at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus (Brasil), will be held the VIth International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy with as general theme "Social and Solidarity Economy, Sustainability and Innovation: facing former and new social issues”.
Researchers interested in presenting a communication or in coordinating a session dedicated to a specific topic are invited to submit...
Read More31 January 2017
Pubblicato il 31 January 2017
On 16-17 February, Open 2017: Platform Cooperatives will bring the discussion about platform co-ops to the UK, in an event that will gather thinkers, practitioners and new ideas around the digital economy.
Organised by the Open Co-op LLP, a partnership between United Diversity, Focal Point Marketing and Events and Defacto Design, Open 2017 includes speakers Brianna Wettlaufer (co-founder and CEO of Stocksy United) and Emer Coleman (founder of disruption Ltd,...
Read More12 January 2017
Pubblicato il 12 January 2017
1) SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The Conference is about how organizations cope with reaching different goals at the same time, it is about social enterprises in all forms, their organization, performance, survival, impact, revenue and business model. We welcome research that looks at social enterprises from a wide range of perspectives, unveiling the organizational, strategic and accountability challenges faced by businesses that aim to combine social/environmental...
Read More30 September 2016
Pubblicato il 30 September 2016
Members of the InnoSi consortium and other top experts from around Europe in the area of social investment will participate in a two-day workshop at the University of Bologna on the 6th and 7th October, 2016.
The worskshop will include presentations of the latest research on the social investment paradigm and round table discussions with leading academics and practitioners.
Thursday 6th October | 14:00 – 15:30 | Session...
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