Castriota Stefano

15 Settembre 2012

114 – Bank strategies in catastrophe settings: empirical evidence and policy suggestions

Abstract The poor in developing countries are the most exposed to natural catastrophes and microfinance organizations may potentially ease their economic recovery. Yet, no evidence on […]
16 Ottobre 2009

68 – Wage differentials in social enterprises: education premium and the role of PPP geographical disparities

Abstract In Italy social enterprises include more than 7,000 institutions with around 250,000 workers serving more than three million people, a big share of which disadvantaged. […]
14 Ottobre 2009

66 – Productivity, wages and intrinsic motivation in social enterprises

Abstract In our empirical analysis of wage differentials in a sample of workers in the cooperative not for profit sector we find that, consistently with the […]
20 Gennaio 2008

48 – Does money affect happiness and self-esteem? The poor borrowers’ perspective in a quasi-natural experiment

Abstract Research on the nexus between life satisfaction and income has looked at lottery winners or postcommunism transition to document that exogenous changes in income generate […]