15 November 2012

115 – Card Games and Financial Crises

Abstract There may be a nexus between card games and financial markets. Akerlof and Shiller (2010) wonder whether the decline in the number of bridge players […]
31 October 2012

Social Innovation and Social Enterprises: the Italian perspective

Social Innovation, generally acknowledged as the capacity to respond to emerging needs through new forms and/or models of collaboration, represents one of the fields in which […]
30 September 2012

114 – Bank strategies in catastrophe settings: empirical evidence and policy suggestions

Abstract The poor in developing countries are the most exposed to natural catastrophes and microfinance organizations may potentially ease their economic recovery. Yet, no evidence on […]
21 September 2012

113 – Italian mutual benefit societies. An organisational social innovation in health and healthcare system

Abstract The paper aims to analyse the role covered by “Mutual Benefit Societies” (hereinafter MBSs – it. trans. “Mutue Sanitarie Integrative”) in terms of “social innovation” […]