Leonardo Becchetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Economics and Finance Marta Magnani, University of Milan, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Lorenzo Semplici, […]
Leonardo Becchetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata Emanuele Bobbio, CeSVa of NeXt Federico Prizia, University of Rome Tor Vergata Lorenzo Semplici, CeSVa of NeXt Abstract […]
Leonardo Becchetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata Luca Raffaele, NeXt Nuova Economia per Tutti Maristella Cacciapaglia, CeSVa NeXt Nuova Economia per Tutti Lorenzo Semplici, CeSVa NeXt […]
Abstract The design of proper environmental and social indicators is one of the most critical challenges when monitoring and implementing corporate and government policy measures toward […]
Abstract Social impact bonds (SIBs) are a novel and innovative form of public-private partnership nancing social services performed by a best-practice selected non-governmental third entity. In […]
Abstract The primary objective of this work is to construct a model of multi-dimensional ageing—the bes-ageing—based on the domains of the Italian BES (Istat) and using […]
Abstract We test for the presence of convergence/divergence in wellbeing among Italian regions using as a reference the Italian Constitutional Law and the novel institutional taxonomy […]
Abstract We contribute to the debate on the relative pros and cons of using composite wellbeing indicators as a relevant source of information beyond (in addition […]
Abstract We investigate with an ad hoc survey respondents’ tastes about the different corporate responsibility (CR) items typically used by CR rating agencies. The hypotheses of […]
Abstract In the current society of globalisation and computerisation, where time and space are designed to maximize opportunities for consumption, it is necessary to find a […]