Leonardo Becchetti, Università di Roma Tor Vergata Fabio Pisani, Università di Roma Tor Vergata Luca Raffaele, NeXt Nuova Economia Abstract Co-planning (and co-design) of welfare […]
Abstract We contribute to the literature investigating the relationship between subjective wellbeing and income inequality by testing the nexus between the two variables using regional inequality […]
Abstract Social impact bonds (SIBs) are a novel and innovative form of public-private partnership nancing social services performed by a best-practice selected non-governmental third entity. In […]
Abstract We investigate the relationship between eudaimonic wellbeing (sense of life) and subjective survival probability (SSP), a proxy of self-assessed life expectancy. We find a robust […]
Abstract Hearing and speaking are basic ingredients of relational goods (ie. local public goods generated by interactions among individuals) that are in turn crucial for subjective […]
Abstract We argue that social dilemmas structured as investment trust games are a dominant feature in social and economic life due to asymmetric information, incomplete contracts […]
Abstract We compare life satisfaction levels for individuals aged 50 and above reporting/not reporting long term illnesses. Our econometric findings on the SHARE database including different […]
Abstract We test for the presence of convergence/divergence in wellbeing among Italian regions using as a reference the Italian Constitutional Law and the novel institutional taxonomy […]
Abstract We investigate the nexus between poverty of sense of life (a dimension of eudaimonic subjective wellbeing) and mortality in a large sample of individuals from […]
Abstract We contribute to the debate on the relative pros and cons of using composite wellbeing indicators as a relevant source of information beyond (in addition […]